Happy Deal Happy Day originated as a coupon/money saving blog that started in 2012. As the blog grew, I have expanded the site to also have easy recipes and fun DIY project ideas, and frugal home decor ideas. Check out the blog over here.
One of those frugal home decor ideas have have created posts about on my blog are these printables that you will see as the majority of the inventory. Once one became very popular, I increased what I was making.
If you have a quote you would like and don’t see here, I do accept custom orders with an additional fee of $2.00. Just contact me at my e-mail address listed below.
I also like crafting, and have moved some items I used to have in an Etsy store to my store here. Each of these items includes free shipping. You can read more about my shipping policy here.
If you have any questions or concerns about a product or your order, e-mail me at happydealhappyday at hotmail dot com.
You can also find me on my socials: